So, arriving late on Saturday night, and once Richard had given the nod that he could no longer see and speak at the same time, thus leaving the building, I was left to ponder life’s finer points or simply listen to the inanity around me. So I did the latter and thought I would post the conclusion to a conversation that actually made me spit out my beer.
Dude No.1: Hold on, hold on, I thought you were seeing some bird?
Dude No.2: Yeah, I was.
Dude No.1: Why you talking about liking some new bird then?
Dude No.2: Cos it didn’t work out with the other one, did it?!
Dude No.1: Ah right. Didn’t work out? Women eh?
Dude No.2: Yeah.
Dude No.1: Why’s that then anyway? She do something? What she do? What she do, like?
Dude No.2: She died.
Dude No.1: Ah. Right. Okay then.
Dude Called Me: ahahahahAHAHAHhahehehehahhAHAHAHAhahaha.