Friday, 30 December 2011

Ho Ho Ho

The end of the year and all our Christmases come at once.
Or, indeed not.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Saturday Night Conversation.

So, arriving late on Saturday night, and once Richard had given the nod that he could no longer see and speak at the same time, thus leaving the building, I was left to ponder life’s finer points or simply listen to the inanity around me. So I did the latter and thought I would post the conclusion to a conversation that actually made me spit out my beer.

Dude No.1: Hold on, hold on, I thought you were seeing some bird?

Dude No.2: Yeah, I was.

Dude No.1: Why you talking about liking some new bird then?

Dude No.2: Cos it didn’t work out with the other one, did it?!

Dude No.1: Ah right. Didn’t work out? Women eh?

Dude No.2: Yeah.

Dude No.1: Why’s that then anyway? She do something? What she do? What she do, like?

Dude No.2: She died.

Dude No.1: Ah. Right. Okay then.

Dude Called Me: ahahahahAHAHAHhahehehehahhAHAHAHAhahaha.

Monday, 5 December 2011


This blog is teetering dangerously on the brink of an icy crevasse. To be frozen in time. Only to be stumbled upon by uninitiated googlers looking to purchase 'taps' or 'elaborate and prohibitively expensive bar stools'. Possibly, masochistic men in the throws of self-passion who want to be 'looked at like shit'.

So at this festive time spare a thought for Old Bloggy.

To be honest this all just an excuse for me to post a review of Mighty Ice Grips (for heeled shoes) that i  decided to click on out of sheer curiosity. I thought it was funny.

I guess you had to be there...