Friday 28 September 2012

New Windows

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, in which case, given the way in which it’s been my experience that windows usually function (this is in no way to be taken as an admission of furtive nocturnal voyeurism on my part…..definitely not an admission), it must surely follow then that the soul must also be the window to the eyes.

(Tenuous I know, but it’s with such fuzzy logic that I navigate life).

(Which, no doubt, explains quite a lot).

But hold your horses, I’m not done yet.

For what then does that make the window? The window through which one may peer into the dark recesses of a person’s soul? What of the window in this transaction, this equation, this profoundly intimate conversation between eyes and soul?

What properties must be invested upon the window when it is so used? So exposed to the deepest secrets and the darkest truths.

What then of the window? The window through which one may view a soul?

A person’s soul – or indeed a pub’s soul.

(You knew I’d get there in the end)

Windows which lay bare all.

Windows through which those of us who from time to time frequent the Perryman are gaped and gawped out at, like unfortunately limbed circus freaks, by the bottom feeding, morally bankrupt, intellectually stunted, pond scum who are to be found smoking outside of Taps on a Saturday night.

Windows through which the private becomes the public. The unknown known. The Perryman revealed.



Which is all to say that I’m not really the world’s biggest fan of the new clear windows in the Taps.

In case you didn’t get that.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

You Can Blame the BBC I-Player for This One

I’ve been told on two separate occasions by two separate people (each of whom you all know very well and will have varying degrees of respect for their insights and opinions), that when I ask a question of someone I do so only to, respectively, argue with the answer that I’ve been given, and to use it as a platform from which to wax lengthy and dull on the subject myself.

And to those charges I can only say: it’s a fair cop Guv. Slap on the old silver bracelets and haul me away to the clink. Won’t ‘cause no trouble, Mister, honest.

(That’s how I talk)

Anyway, I bring this up because….

Do you guys know what morphic resonance, is?


Oh well then, allow me to explain. Some scientists (by some I mean one, and by scientist I mean Dr Who) postulate the idea that, through a telepathic effect or sympathetic vibration, an event at one point in the world (or anywhere within the field) or act can lead to similar simultaneous acts occurring somewhere else in the field then, or in the future, that an idea conceived in one mind can then arise in another – or more – people’s mind at exactly the same time somewhere else within the field.

Which is to say that human beings share a kind of low level sub-harmonic psychic field with one another in much the same way that we take for granted animals (e.g. migrating birds) do.

Cool stuff, no?

Ok, only me.

Anyway, I bring this up because I was recently talking to an old friend of mine and she mentioned that last Thursday night (in Hackney) she was absolutely and unaccountably hammered – and this got me thinking, because last Thursday I (in Enfield) was also absolutely and unaccountably hammered – as indeed were my brother, Charlie and Gareth.


In general things aren’t normally unaccountable. They’re improbably or implausible. They’re coincidental and pernicious.

But they’re not unaccountable.

They’re just…well they’re just difficult to explain.

And so, following Sherlock Holme’s famous aphorism, ‘when you have eliminated all that is impossible, then whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth’ – why then naturally the only possible explanation for different people who were all drinking in different pubs to all be more drunk than they’d originally intended, had – HAD - to be morphic resonance.

I mean it’s obvious innit Guv’nor.

Think about it.

Thursdays have taken on a lethal will of their own.

Like Skynet or Herbie the Love Bug (which we now know was actually an allegory about Aids).

This idea that ‘Thursdays are the start of the weekend’ has taken hold across the country even though Thursday is quite obviously not the start of the weekend.

Friday evening is the start of the weekend.

It’s like saying celery is the start of the weekend.

Or Bob from marketing.

Just saying it doesn’t make it true….what makes it true is people acting like it’s true. And all it takes is enough people somewhere within the field to act as though it’s true and to believe it to be true, and that idea will resonate all across the morphic field.

A quite literal self-fulfilling prophecy.

So my friends, next Friday morning when you roll into work at 9.50am, stinking of flavoured vodka [and shame] and wearing last night’s lamb kebab on your shoes, and your boss asks you what on earth you think you’re playing at, well you just look him straight in the eye and you reply: morphic resonance, boss, morphic resonance.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Monday 20 August 2012


I once read that the overwhelming compulsion which people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) feel to do what they do, is mainly one of terrifying incomprehensible dread.

A dread that, for instance, if they don’t wash their hands ten times every half an hour, that all of their family – every single person they love - will immediately and inexplicably fall down dead.

A dread that if they don’t turn the light on and off three times whenever they enter a room, the earth will be hit by a giant meteorite and all life on the planet immediately extinguished.

A dread that…well you get the idea.

They know it’s illogical, improbably and deeply damaging/debilitating to their lives…..but…well… it’s just there nevertheless.

They feel it in their bones, to their core…and goodness it’s difficult to change the way you feel.

They live caught in a perpetual dichotomy – a nightmarish cognitive dissonance in which they both know that their compulsion is illogical and a product of their own rebellious consciousness – but they also feel absolutely and entirely convinced that their dread is real.

Frankly it must be bloody awful and I feel for the poor blighters, and…you know what….I sort of get it.

With me – as most of you know – it’s sitting at corners.

I’m nowhere near suffering what those poor buggers have to daily endure, but I do sort of understand where they’re coming from.

In Taps I have to sit at the corner of the bar; whether that be behind the hatch, at the hatch or in the Perryman.

Anything else and I feel like I have ants in my brain. An unreasonably rage – a back of the neck burning, ears ringing, rage.

And of course I know it’s unreasonable – I really do. Contrary to all evidence I’m only half as stupid as I look. But it is what it is. That’s just me. That’s just it.

It’s undoubtedly my own fault of course; for letting it get so far I mean – for not squashing it dead and flat when those feelings first arose, but…well… it’s done now.

It is. It had become. It has manifested.

The ridiculous thing is that I can sit anywhere in the Kings Head. Obviously I much prefer to sit near the hatch – but I can live without it – but when it comes to Taps all bets are off. Whenever someone – someone who isn’t Barry that is – is sat in the corner or at the hatch, I just can’t enjoy myself.

For all the time that I’m in there all I’m doing is waiting for them to go. That’s it. I’m waiting, I’m worrying, by God I’m worrying, and minute by minute I’m becoming more and more enraged.

You might think we’re having a moderately interesting conversation about your day, or my day, or your holiday, or my….well, your holiday, but that isn’t what’s happening.

What’s happening is that I’m eyeing the corner and plotting blue bloody murder. I’m chopping up limbs in bath tubs in my head. I’m wondering where I can buy limestone. I’m bludgeoning some poor aged motherfucker to death with his own walking stick.

And I really wish I wasn’t like that – genuinely I do – and I know it’s immensely annoying to many people, but as I said, it just is what it is.

So all I can ask is that you continue to indulge me…after all, who knows, maybe it really is all that stands between us and planetary destruction. 

Friday 3 August 2012


Our little boozer has been going through some strange days. They’re not over but it feels like they are at least beginning to draw to a close, and not a moment too soon. It has been exhausting.

Ever since some mystery bastard made the conscious decision to actively try and ruin someone else’s whole life, it’s seemed like we’ve been lurching from one crisis to the next. OK, maybe that’s a little dramatic - we’ve been trudging from one mishap to another.

But as I said it’s been exhausting. Particularly for me and the rest of the staff, because in our position (i.e. behind the bar) people expect us to have some sort of inside track on what the hell’s going on. I rarely do. However, that doesn’t stop the questions from coming…

Where’s the Russian? Why is she gone? Where’s my pint? Who’s the new manager? Does he only have one shirt? Why is he being a knob? What do you mean no lime? Is it a boycott? Where did the new manager go? Where’s my pint? Have you got the Celtic game on? What’s your problem? Didn’t I give you a twenty? How much!? Where did Des and Terry go? Do you want a crisp? Can you turn it up a bit? Can I have a crisp? Can you turn it down a bit? Who’s in charge here? Where’s my pint? As I’m sure you can imagine… It’s been a living hell.

On Tuesday phase one of the recovery was initiated. With any luck, by Christmas everything will be back to normal and The Taps will rise from the ashes like a sausage that’s fallen through the grill. I, for one, couldn’t be happier for The Taps’ newest British citizen. And the sooner she stops skiving off the better – it’s been 10 months, already… GET BACK TO WORK!

Friday 29 June 2012

Goodbye Brains, it was shit while it lasted.

Pubs change all the time. And by pubs, I mean the people that make them. Staff and customers leave with very little notice and usually very little fanfare, but more often than not there’s someone else around the corner ready to take their spot at the bar, whichever side it may be. As a result, most pubs are in a state of perpetual change, maybe not always for the better but they always seem to find their equilibrium. 

Of late, our very own dingy watering hole has had some pretty seismic shifts (if you don’t know about them by now, then you don’t really deserve to) but we had found some semblance of normality. Well... Normality might not be the word but it'll have to do.

Then it happened. Brains landed. 

Tuesday 10 April 2012


“The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.”

                                                                                             --------  L.P.Hartley

We all know Gareth’s qualities as a friend and a person, such, I think, that it’s enough to say that he wouldn’t be the former of so many of us if he wasn’t so much of a quality latter.

But since I have, to coin a phrase, come here to praise him, I’ll also say that when it comes to the tricky everyday/day-in-day out business of being a well rounded decent human being [which God knows can be a difficult enough job for any of us] I consider Gareth to be one of the most successful people I know at doing it.

He also has an enormous enough head as it is. So enough of that.

What I really want to write about today is Gareth the barman. And I’ll say this to begin: Gareth’s the best barman I’ve ever seen.

And believe me, I’ve been drinking in pubs for the last ten years (with some small amount of time off to sleep and go to work), and so when I say that, I think – I hope - it means something.

In my time I’ve seen some truly great barmen (Scottish John and Travis from the Enfield Arms and Ed and Bang Bang [it’s a long story] from the 3 Tuns, particularly spring to mind. And they were all very, very good. Great even). I’ve also seen barmen who could have been great – who had all the technical expertise you could possibly want – but were missing that last single elusive edge.

Well actually, that isn’t true. It isn’t a single thing/edge; it’s an elusive nebulous cocktail of things that you rarely see in one person.

It’s wit and humour – the ability to throw jokes back at people as fast as they come – and the ability to do that in the 6th hour of a 7 hour shift at 1 in the morning.

It’s patience – good God, it’s infinite patience – listening to the boring, the mundane, the ridiculous, the prejudiced, the retarded, the repetitive, the racist, the wrong headed and the downright tedious [and that’s just talking to me on a Monday night], for hours on end, and making the person saying it feel like you give a damn.

It’s sympathy at hardship (whether that hardship be real or imagined)

It’s charm to the charmless.

It’s courage in the face of the drunk, belligerent and implausibly stupid.

And it’s decency in the midst of scum and villainy.

I’ve known Gareth for eight years now, and although I know that he might (for all the reasons above) be persuaded to do the odd shift if he’s ever really needed, I refer you back to Mr Hartley’s quote at the top of this post.

It will never be the same. It can’t be the same.

Good luck, G.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

By One's Own Hand

I awoke from a terrible nightmare last night.
The rapture day had finally come. I had won the lottery, I had bought Taps and refurbished it to my specifications, and Taps (as it was foretold two years ago long ago in the Steve Perryman ancient prophecy) had at least become Super Taps.
And lo it was beautiful
And verily was I pleased.
[In my dream the bar looked something like the above].
But all was not well.
Beautiful though she undoubtedly was, comfortable as the stools were, and universally sitting down and being quiet were the customers, it just didn’t feel right.
The essence – the spirit – of Taps had been lost and none of us liked it anymore.
And so, because of my pride and hubris in attempting to perfect Taps....

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Major League

In Baseball, Americans have a concept of a Starting Rotation, which is to say that [leaning rather heavily on Wikipedia for this]a starting pitcher in baseball usually rests three or four days after pitching a game, before pitching another (Baseball teams can play three or four games on consecutive days). Therefore, most professional baseball teams have four or five starting pitchers on their rosters. These pitchers, and the sequence in which they pitch, is known as the rotation. In modern baseball, a five-man rotation is most common.
And I’ve always applied this idea of a set starting rotation in my mind when it comes to the weeknight Taps staff.
So before what happened, happened, my starting rotation was π on a Monday [as you no doubt know, π is the mathematical symbol for Pi which is at once a mathematical constant and both an irrational and transcendental number and therefore of central importance to everything, even though you can’t see it! – I have to say, I’m rather pleased with that, and have no idea where it came from as I’m mainly completely innumerate], Deon on a Tuesday, Jade on a Wednesday and then a mixture of people on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
And I was happy with that starting rotation. It threw real heat. Each of the starters brought something unique to their respective evenings.
And all was well in the garden of The Taps.
Settled and understood.
And then Jade went and got herself a proper job (which we were all happy for her about), but we were able to go straight to the Bullpen (which is the area where relief pitchers warm up before entering the game) and we were able to call on the big guns – and in came Gareth to take over the Wednesday.
Sure it was different, but it was still all cool.
I adjusted. I settled down.
I was once more content
π Mondays, Deon Tuesdays, Gareth Wednesday.
And then into the garden of the The Taps came a snake, and...well we all know how that story ends.
And so the starting rotation was shuffled once more, we went into the Bullpen and for a while the Mondays and Wednesdays were covered on an ad hoc basis by the Bullpen, until eventually Chelsie was drafted in and Gareth went back into the regular starting rotation such that we had:
Gareth Monday, Deon Tuesday (oh, the anchor which is Deon, our pillar of consistency throughout), Gareth Wednesday.
And once again we settled down.
Now, I write all of this because yesterday Charlie worked the Monday night (yes, that’s right. All of that.  It was interesting, don’t complain)
And yesterday was notable for two things, first that we spent half the evening listening to famous film scores (really loudly) – The Magnificent Seven, The Big Country, Star Wars, Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather etc etc.
And second that we invented a brand new game.
Basically the aim of the game is to design a scene and then from that scene extrapolate a movie idea.
And the way it works is by picking three people, one prop and then a single line of Direction for them to improvise.
So for example:
Charlie starts: Edward Norton:
Richard: Christian Bale
[At this point you try and think about what you can do with these two guys. They’re both tremendous high powered actors who can chew scenery with the best of them, but who do you throw in to add in to create an interesting story/drama? You could throw in another high powered actor, but then what do you have? Three blokes in a room and what? A bank heists or something? Ok, you could do that, but it’s frankly boring].
Charlie: Jason Bateman – now this makes things interesting.  Jason Bateman’s an everyman and clearly no match in charisma for the other two, so you start to think about the prop and what’s going on.
Richard: A phone
Direction: Bateman is a hostage who slowly plays Bale and Norton off against one another.
That’s it.
Now, no it’s not the Godfather or anything – or super imaginative and clever, but it’s not a horrendous idea.
And that’s basically how the game works. The point being to actively try to paint yourself into difficult positions (by picking for, instance, implausible combinations for the first two actors, e.g. Denzel Washington and Martin Freeman) so that you have to then think imaginatively about how, with which third actor, and with which prop and direction, you can come up with something at least reasonably plausible and workable.
Anyway, that’s what we did last night.

Monday 5 March 2012

Do You Come Here Often?

Well it’s been a while hasn’t it?
All I can say is that those of you who used to regularly read the Blog will know why I really haven’t wanted to Blog since what happened, happened.
And that those some same of you who used to read the Blog have also been instrumental in persuading me to metaphorically take down the shutters, dust down the bar, and re-open for boring tirades nobody’s interested in business.
And so, Aragorn in Hidalgo The Lord of the Rings fashion, I return.
As is [was] often my habit I was recently reading the latest reviews on Beer in the Evening, and came across this gem regarding The George:
Best avoided at weekends especially if over 30. Cheap beer but clientele best described as vermin. I keep waiting for Ray Winstone to smack someone with a pool ball in a sock like in 'scum'

 2 Mar 2012 05:26
Now clearly the commenter, whoever he/she might be, is a man/woman after my own heart.
[It’s likely, I suspect, that we both share an affinity for wearing Corduroy and mentally barring people for not sitting down].
But it’s absolutely true that on any given weekend night there are people walking God’s own country the streets of Enfield Town who are actual vermin.
n. pl. vermin
1. Various small animals or insects, such as rats or cockroaches, that are destructive, annoying, or injurious to health.

a. A person considered loathsome or highly offensive.
b. Such people considered as a group.

In fact, these are people upon whom rats and cockroaches would cast distain. These are people who actual sewer living rats look at, shrug their shoulders, give each other rueful significant glances, and walk away shaking their heads.
I give you an example:
On Saturday night I was in the Perryman/Times Square[1]with Daryl and Jude (who had come in for a few drinks before going to dinner), and Jade and Charlie behind the bar, when a friend of Daryl’s [I can actually picture Daryl sitting at his desk at work right at this moment reading this and swearing at the screen ‘she isn’t my fucking friend’] from the Kings Head came in with two random blokes.
So this woman [she’s 18/19 yrs old, but wearing her years hard. Crack head thin/pale, and with the slightly feral, vacant look of a race horse) comes in (the pub is virtually empty at this point), and sees Daryl and stops to talk to him.
And this part is worth describing in more detail.
She stops, leans in quite close to him, and says, ‘Hello Derek.’
Derek Daryl slightly uncomfortably says hello back, while Charlie, Jade, myself and Jude all look at one another for a long drawn out silent moment while we digest this – then look back at Derek Daryl and the woman – then back to one another - and then take a wordless joint decision to carry on our conversation and totally ignore Derek Daryl and the woman.  
This goes on for a while and eventually the woman (who is the daughter of someone who drinks around town) says that she’s slightly wary of drinking in Taps because she gets up to all sorts [we didn’t realise that we were supposed to take this literally] when she’s out on an evening out.
Jude having told her [being unable to avoid getting drawn into the conversation at this piont] that she knows her mum.
At this point the woman departs and we continue with our evening [which mainly consisted of asking Daryl why he’d constructed an alternate persona for himself in the Kings Head, and that why if he was going to do so would he choose to call himself Derek?]
About forty minutes later Jade comes over to us and tells us that she’s had to ask Derek’s Daryl’s friend to leave because she’d been caught [I say caught, but it wasn’t actually caught and I really don’t want to go into the details of it. If you really must know ask Jade, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it] having sex in the ladies toilets with one of the blokes.
Jade also added that by the looks of things if they hadn’t have been caught she fully expected the other bloke to go down to the toilets with her afterwards.
[yes, my Taps friends, eeeeewwww]
Now am I being overly harsh regarding the young Lady in question? Well yes, almost certainly.
In fact, when it really comes down to it, I’m probably simply just being cruel to and about someone in no position to respond, for cruelty’s sake.  
[I genuinely do try to be a good and decent person – I really do, but sometimes a target environment is too rich and sometimes I’m just too morally destitute to resist].
But sometimes....sometimes just the sheer fucking feral state of some of these people actually boggles the mind.
It amazes and appals me.
And she – Derek’s Daryl’s friend – is just one more example of it. One more person spitting on the stairs. One more person putting her foot on the bar. One more person being rude to the staff. One more person trying to start a fight with anyone and everyone. One more person not sitting down. One more person coked up and drunk beyond reason.
One more person unreconstructed, de-evolved and one Jaeger bomb away from throwing up on their own shoes.
One more person....oh, what does it matter.
Welcome back everyone!

[1] A welcome addition since last I posed supplied by our very own Ms Jones