I don’t necessarily know how it’s happened but it seems that apparently Taps is now the place to be on a Thursday night for the good and worthy citizens of Enfield.
Now, as I’ve always said, Thursdays are always the best nights in Taps – or that is to say, Thursdays always were the best nights in Taps.
I say were because people spoil everything. Even the nice ones. And you know why? Because the nice ones bring the scummy ones. It’s just the way of the world. A universal truism: once something’s nice it’s only a matter of time before people turn up to ruin it.
That’s the problem with people. People spoil everything.
I don’t know what the catalyst for it was but over the last 7 or 8 months more and more young people have been coming to the Taps on a Thursday as a specific night out. By which I mean planning for and dressing up for it.
Now, I can’t say I particularly understand why youthful people with a whole range of exciting options open to them only a train/bus ride away in London would want to do that, but somehow it’s happened for all that anyway.
[Perhaps someone else can explain the reasoning for this to me because I’m at a loss]
And on the whole, those people were mainly nice decent people. Which makes sense. Nice people discover that a place is nice on a particular night and they want to keep going back. And they tell their friends about it and their friends go as well. And soon you have a lot of nice people going to the Taps on a Thursday night.
Now, Ok fine. It’s true that I can’t, in any honesty, say I’m that happy about it, but as I’ve said before, you’ve got to be realistic about these things, and as long as they don’t take my stool [which they do], don’t try and join in the crossword without invitation [which they do], don’t try and talk to me [which they do], I can [just about] live with it.
But, and there’s always a but, then the scummy people find out about it. They find out that all the nice people are going somewhere else on a Thursday night and they want to get in on the act as well.
Why do they this? Well I’m not sure really.
I suspect though it’s that scummy people don’t actually realise they’re scum. It’s like unknowingly trampling dogshit around someone’s house, only they’re the human faeces and they don’t know it.
They don’t realise they’re scum. They think that they, with their ridiculous walks, their bad manners, their stupid hair and their pitiful attitudes, are actually adding to the overall marginal utility of happiness of the pub.
They think they’re normal. In fact, they think that everyone else should be happy they’re there because they’re so funny and cool.
[Hey, look everybody, the human dogshits are here!]
That must be it. They think they’re regular decent members of society.
I mean if you knew you were scum, wouldn’t you think to yourself, ‘hang on, I’m a bit of a scummer aren’t I, so maybe I should just stay in the George and then go to Ratlers with the other scummers, and that way I won’t spoil it for all the nice people. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do tonight. Maybe I’ll have a fight outside of Tubby’s before I go home as well if I’ve got time. I mean that would be nice, but I’d better wait and see before deciding anything definite.’
But not knowing they’re scum, they don’t think that. Or maybe it’s precisely because they’re scum they can’t think like that. Just the very idea of taking the time to consider how their actions impact on other people just an entirely foreign concept to them.
And then there’s the alternative view, and this is one my brother forwards. Maybe they both know that they’re scum and enjoy reducing the overall marginal utility of happiness.
That is, it pleases them to annoy, anger and irritate other people.
Well, whatever the explanation. I don’t like it. Eventually we’ll reach a scum critical mass and the nice people will have to leave to find somewhere else nice, and then we’ll be stuck with the scum for months on end before they clock on to what’s happened and go off to ruin somewhere else.
I think that for me then, at least in the immediate future, Thursdays will become Kings Head night.