I was going to write about the Bank Holiday weekend, but in all honestly it’s mainly all just amalgamated together into one long drunken elided blur of which I am both sheepishly proud and profoundly sheepish.
In fact, Friday seems like a very, very long time ago now.
Thinking about it now I really can’t remember much about Friday – except leaving a bit after close, going home and then bashing round the kitchen marinating a load of chicken for an hour or so.
Saturday was nice though. Random and nice.
You will, I trust, presumably remember what I wrote recently about the steady, unobserved accumulation of small things. Tiny shared joys and so on.
Well, for whatever reason there were lots of regulars in during the day all sitting in a long row at the bar. There were at least myself, Colin, Daryl, Adam, Adam’s cousin, Len, Dan, Mark and Gareth. And so – in whatever fleeting moment of whimsy struck – Irena suggested that we do the Monday night quiz night.
Daryl, Colin and myself versus everyone else. Which essentially meant that it was Daryl, Colin and myself versus Gareth.
But it was all great fun with Adam acting as some kind of Cold War double agent passing answers back and forth between teams, no doubt guided by loyalties, alliances and devious accommodations which I couldn’t really understand (and suspect he didn’t either), Len insanely ranting to himself about whatever random thing it was which came into his head at any particular moment (this had nothing to do with the quiz by the way. He just felt irritable), and Dan, Mark and Gareth actually doing the quiz.
Which is to say Gareth and Dan doing the quiz and Mark doing a quiz in an adjacent, but parallel universe.
[Q. By what word beginning with N is Skin Eating Bacteria Syndrome more commonly known?
Mark: The Nutty Professor].
All in all it was one of those random Saturday afternoons that I love so much. A slow Bank Holiday weekend Saturday afternoon which will, no doubt, be forgotten and lost, but which is also now another layer woven into the crust and context of the pub.
And as someone who occasionally doesn’t really remember what precisely happens in a traditional, linear, coherent way, I find that quite comforting.