I’ve written before about watching Spurs in big games in the pub when Jude’s there. But she really does make me laugh.
Obviously last night was absolutely huge so emotions were running quite high, although it was far less busy than I expected it to be for such a big game.
In fact there was just a nice regulars crowd in watching it, Daryl and Jude, two of their friends, Adam and his cousin Chris (who himself was going pretty mental for most of the game), myself, Gareth, Lucy (from the Kings Head) and her dad, Casey watching from behind the bar and some random people down the end.
But it was really nice for all that - or indeed, because of that.
What made me laugh though was Jude’s constant verbal obsession with the size of Ibrahimovic’s nose.
At one point this image of Ibrahimovic got a close up.
And Jude mutters dismissively to herself, “what’s he praying for, a smaller nose?”
And the whole pub just cracked up for about five minutes.
My personal favourite was when Kevin Prince Boateng went down like the proverbial sack of shit for the umpteenth time. After the general rumble of groans subsided, Jude piped up with "Twat".