Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Apocalypse Now

I’m flat out this week and I have a horrible cold (yes, I am shamelessly trying to elicit sympathy), but I did come across this piece about  the decline of the British pub  in the Guardian (pinko liberal that I am) this morning which looks quite interesting. I haven’t had a chance to have a read of it myself yet, but would welcome your thoughts.
Personally I mainly put the decline of the pub down do to the ridiculously high rates of taxation on alcohol making it so almost prohibitively expensive to regularly go to the pub, and the high price of property making if far more attractive a proposition to owners to sell their pubs to housing developers for a quick tidy profit than to keep running them as pubs.
Contrary to popular opinion I don't think that the smoking ban had nearly as much of a negative effect as many do. Indeed, I don't know a single person who stopped going to the pub after the ban.
Of course most of the people I know who go to pubs are hardcore regulars and even the zombie Apocalypse wouldn't drag them out of there.

[Unless it were to nip out to buy some fags]

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