Tuesday, 4 October 2011


It’s easy to slag off that which you don’t understand isn’t it? Too easy, I suppose. Infact, in sociology they call it a fear of ‘The Other’ – a fear of that which is different and misunderstood. The unusual and abnormal.
The Other.
And it’s something that I try to avoid. I really do. But when it comes to Rattlers, I just really can’t help myself. I accept that I don’t understand it, and that I’m never going to understand it – and that therefore based on my own personal philosophy I should try and exercise some sort of abstract socially relativistic neutrality on the matter, but quite frankly the only way I can describe Rattlers is like the worst cinematic depiction of an American prison you can imagine, only with more homosexual gang rape and nascent venereal disease.
[One of those isn’t true]

1 comment:

  1. Taps on a Friday and Saturday has been full of the people who frequent Rattlers for quite some time. Thursdays have been heading that way more recently as well.

    For all your misgivings about Rattlers, the same applies to The Taps of a weekend.

    It's not that you don't understand Rattler, it's that you don't know Rattlers. The fear of the unknown would sum it up more closely.

    You feel able to deal with the wretched scum in Taps because the environment is familiar to you, not because the scum of Rattlers is any different to that of The Taps.
