Thursday, 4 November 2010

Rules of the Taps #1

A few years ago on a long Saturday afternoon (when else?), a few of us had a bash at drawing up some Rules of the Taps -  and which, when I’ve got a bit more time I’ll try  and revive, but in the meantime let’s try and piecemeal compile a list until such a time as we can collate them all more fully.

So, for example, saying please and thank you is an established rule. Likewise not waving your money around when trying to get served.

But, for me, here’s the basic, fundamental rule of the Taps:

Don’t act like a twat.

That’s it.

For instance, don’t come into a quiet pub at 10 o’clock at night when three or four people are gathered around the bar having a chat, and start shouting and capering like a bunch of drunken baboons.

Instead, try and follow this simple rule: act accordingly.

And that, also, is it.

So, for example, if you go to a pub on a Friday night and people are shouting and capering like baboons then by all means feel free to join in, but if you go into a pub on a Wednesday night and people are quietly talking, don’t start shouting and capering like a baboon.

It’s a simple enough rule isn’t it?

Personally I can’t really see any reason to shout and swear and guffaw like a horse faced, slack jawed, goon, but if that’s your cup of tea, go somewhere where other people are doing the same.

i.e, act accordingly.

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