There’s a woman at work who I absolutely despise. I genuinely can’t stand her. She makes my skin crawl.
I hate her embarrassingly obsequious attitude to her manager and her unearned condescension to her colleagues. I hate how she has to give a running commentary on every single thing she does no matter how mundane it might be (‘so I emailed him, and you’ll never guess what, I only went and got an out of office reply. Can you believe it? Well then so I had to contact his deputy to get the information, so I sent another email and then he replied to me with the information I need. Ooh what a day), and how she has absolutely no sense of humour. I hate her whining accent and her Dennis Taylor glasses. I hate how she spends half the day talking about her stupid fucking choir. I hate how fricking dumb she is. I hate how short she is. How completely bloody useless she is.
[sometimes I can’t decide whether I want to kill her or myself]
Now I don’t mean this to seem like one of Taps Richard’s periodic and slightly idiosyncratic rants about people who stand up in the pub or people who talk too loudly in the pub. Because in this case everyone else hates her as well. It’s not just me. She’s one of those people that’s just completely obnoxious, and who everyone within literally four minutes of meeting her hates her.
And this reminds me of some of the people that you’ll sometimes meet in the pub. There are one or two people (in fact at the moment I can only think of precisely two people who fit this description) who everyone hates. Every single person who’s ever met them hates them within a couple of minutes.
And this quite literally isn’t an exaggeration. Every single person who has ever met them hates them.
Now, as you all well know, I can hate people I’ve only just met at the drop of a hat (I mean it, don’t drop your hat). Sometimes (alright, mainly) just walking in the door is enough to do it for me, but that isn’t the case when it comes to regulars. Regulars get the benefit of the doubt from me. In fact, it’s probably fair to say that I’ve erroneously, due to an overly romanticised view of my Taps comrades, attributed positive attributes to some regulars which, when all’s said and done, aren’t really warranted.
Which is to say that regulars (and semi regulars) get a lot of leeway from me. I mean they’ve really got to be pretty damned unpleasant for me to say that I hate them.
And certainly in one of their cases (no, I’m not going to name him – except to say that it’s a bloke [well spotted] and that he’s a semi regular), he’s completely unaware of the feelings that he arouses in people.
Seriously, when he walks in the door people actually groan and/or hide because they know that their evening’s just been ruined. And that’s everyone’s reaction – staff and customers.
By which I’m trying to convey the fact that these people are objectively obnoxious.
(The other person I'm talking about manageed to get themselves barred in the end for being so obnoxious, and can currently be found being equally obnoxious in the Kings Head).
What I’m trying to convey then is the fact not that these people are scummers or wrong ‘uns, but just that their personalities are so toxic that no-one can bear to be around them for any length of time. They are, in other words, wholly unpalatable.
And I don’t understand why. They’re both intelligent people, reasonably well educated and used to socialising in normal society. So why? Why fricking be so fricking annoying? There’s just no call for it.
And I’m fed up with it. I shouldn’t have to deal with these people if I don’t want to. Isn’t life hard enough already doing stuff that I don’t want to do, but that I actually have to? I mean why should I have to endure them just because they can't be bothered to be decent human beings? They’re not my boss, my bank manager or my family. I mean really, what obligation do I actually owe them? Why can’t I just be one of those people who’s able to just say ‘sorry, just stop talking to me, you're a leech draining me of my will to live, please leave me alone.’
Really, why not? Why can't I be that person?
Why the hell not?
I mean aren’t our lives already full with real actual obligations and duties? Real commitments to people and things that actually matter to us, so that we actually don’t have to waste what little free time and energy we do have enduring these obnoxious people? Come on, aren't they?
This my friends is an epiphany.
I'm drawing the line: here and no further.
Here. And. No. Further.