Thursday, 3 February 2011

You Need Power

There was another black out in the Taps last night. The power went off at half time in the football so around half eight.

Most of the non regular crowd that you get in on a (non Thursday) weekday night are generally in specifically for the football so Brodie corralled them up and sent them over to the Kings Head where they had football, lighting and heating.

But then here’s how you know a real regular. A real regular will stay even without the above. A real regular will sit at the bar drinking by candlelight, doing the crossword by the light of his mobile phone, thinking ‘this is the best frickin’ thing ever.’

In the end then it was just myself, Deon (who was working), Irena (who was on the phone being her usual polite patient self with the electricity company), Terry, Sarah, Murray and Sean.

And it was great. No music. No people, and no randoms.

Doormen Des and Terry (who, now that I come to think about it, are worth a long post all to themselves[1]) came in after a while for a drink and every time someone would come in and see that there was no lights on Deon would tell them that the pub was closed. At which point Des would pick up a bunch of beer mats and hand one to each of the people and (absolutely deadpan in that way he does) tell them that if they took them over to the Kings Head and asked for Brodie they could exchange them for a free drink over there in compensation for the inconvenience.

Half an hour later a completely bemused Brodie phones up asking: ‘why the hell are people in the Kings Head trying to pay for their drinks with Taps beer mats?’

That made me laugh.

[1] I’ll put it on the forward planner. The problem is that I think of more things than I have time to write. Of course this would be resolved if some of the rest of you would pull your weight and get posting. (Please see me for article allocations and commissions. I pay in Guinness and Black, Magners and Archers and Lemonade).

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